Business Objects If Statement With Dates
For example below we used RelativeDate to subtract 28 days from todays date utilizing the CurrentDate function to get todays date. Depending on if you are using the date returned as a date in some other location of the report but you could create a new formula just for the display something like this.
Creating Custom Reports Businessobjects
Create another variable to extract the numerical month as a string from the current date.

Business objects if statement with dates. If formatdate Date ObjectsddMMyyyy31121999 then Show else Hide. Top Value Service WhereIs Max Date1 ForEachOrg Name. The workaround is to use an If-Then-Else statement.
Active 3 years 1 month ago. The basic construct is FormatDatedate objectdate format I have a date object Sales Date that I want to display as a string in the format year month 25th Jan 2016 should show as 2016-01. Hi there Im trying to create a measure in Business Objects which provides a Headcount Delta based on two different dates Snapshot Dates.
Posted September 6th 2016 by dmytro filed under Web Intelligence. For example Aug 12 could have an headcount of 15 and Sept 12 an headcount of 25 which would calculate an increase in headcount delta of 10. You can name it whatever you want.
The query requires two incompatible objects. Invoice Date and Reservation Date. Value Splittext2 If Instrvalue0 Then getDateRange CDateRange value Else Dim startDate as Date.
If HRRMudOrigHireDate dateserial 19500101 then. If then else date formula. This variable will return todays date in this format MDDYY 22516.
This will result in blank values for the dates for which you do not have data. Ive been trying to get a particular report to generate but I am having problems with getting a formula to work correctly with two if statements. Im using the new 2008 version with MySQL db.
Since the objects are incompatible if you include them in a standard query Web Intelligence returns two blocks of data and does not synchronize the values in a. If this is Webi then you can use the below syntax. Function getDateRange text as string As Date Range If Instrtext0 Then Exit Function Dim value as string.
Else totext HRRMudOrigHireDate0 RE. The RelativeDate function is similar except rather than providing two dates you enter one date and a positive or negative constant for how many days you want to add or subtract. Numeric value truncated to specified number of decimals for example Truncate 314159 2 314.
If Service DateMax Date ForEachOrg Name Then 1 Else 0. Now we will try to calculate total Sales revenue for Austin in 2004 but in two steps. Viewed 5k times 0.
If you have a different answer for this question then please use the Your Answer form at the bottom of the page instead. If FormatDate DateMdyyyy. Everything seems to work ok when report is run thru the first if statement.
IfQuarterRelativeDateCurrent Date-DayNumberOfMonthCurrent Date1 ThenConcatenationConcatenationQ4Jan-Current YearConcatenation to Mar-Current Year ElseIfQuarterRelativeDateCurrent Date-DayNumberOfMonthCurrent Date2 ThenConcatenationConcatenationQ1Apr-Current YearConcatenationto Jun-Current. Create Web Intelligence reports that contain Dynamic Default Date Prompts for scheduling purposes. Currentdate Name this variable Current Date.
All Dates TimeDimCompleted Date Then replace Completed Date in your table with the All Dates variable. This is a follow-up to a previous video that showed how t. You cannot define a rule on a cell containing a date or numeric type data for example a date or a calculation because the application considers any value you type into the Value text box as a character string.
Ask Question Asked 3 years 1 month ago. Problem with above is that it is only returning the 010 value for all dates. Help to improve this answer by adding a comment.
BOB has retired moved. StartDate CdateSplitvalue1 dim endDate as Date. Our current platform the one you are reading right now is over 18 years old.
To achieve this Id write FormatDateSales Dateyyyy-MM. Make a report based on eFashion universe with Year City and Sales revenue. Next to the Filtered object or cell box and select objects.
For example If IsNull CRPT_TMP0001_ttxinstall_date Then TBD Else In Progress. While the data that the objects represent is identical that is a date is a date the intent of the dates is incompatible and therefore the objects are incompatible. Im using Web Intelligence in Business Objects 42 and Im trying to create a new variable using the following IFAND statement but cant seem to get it right.
If the field is NULL then TBD To Be Determined will be put in the report where the formula has been placed. Create a variable to retrieve the Run Date of the report. Number from 1 to 7 denoting the day of week 1 Monday 7 Sunday Truncate Input value.
I am pretty new to working with CR so I could use a little help. The formula will check the value in the install_date field. If you want to have zeroes display for the dates with no data you can apply a custom format setting Undefined to 0.
Rather than continue here the community has moved to a new software platform. Calculation contexts issue with Sum Where and If. Numeric expression or value number of desired decimal places.
IfSafeguarding Ind1 And Form Complete Ind 1. If And Statements in Business ObjectsWebi.
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